Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 has been amazing, lets make 2013 just as great!

I haven't done a blog post in ageees (well it feels like ages.) I have been busy studying for my GCSE mocks in January (ah!) 
Today however, I thought I should have a little reflect on my 2012. 2012 was a pretty awesome year and so much has happened! I love documenting events/years with pictures so today I thought I'd write a little but about some cool things that have happened to me in 2012 and then add a lil picture to :) hope you enjoy!

Firstly, in February, me and a friend went on an exchange for two weeks to Madrid, Spain. It was an amazing experience and although it was hard being away from my family for so long (I'm a home girl) I am so pleased I did it as it gave me a sense of maturity and how to look after myself and I met so many new, lovely people.
Me (in the middle) and my 2 friends in Madrid. Wow we look so young!
Next up in March and June (I think) me and six of my friends did our DofE expedition (one of the toughest things I've ever done!) We completed it! Yay! 
DofE helped give me a sense of 'get up and go' and increased my stamina making me feel like a physically stronger person. 
I'm so pleased I did DofE, it was definitely worth the blood, sweat and tears (yes, literally) in the end.
DofE me (at the front) and my two friend behind

DofE me umm looking cool?
Next was Vietnam in July/August! This was most definitely the highlight of my year! I know this may sound odd and I don't know if anyone else knows the feeling but this country inspired me. I'm not sure how but it did. It inspired me to work hard and try and do my best in everything I do (especially my GCSEs as they are looming) Vietnam opened my eyes and showed me that there's a beautiful world out there, it made me want to travel. It also gave me some direction and ambition as now I've decided that in my gap year I want to go and teach for a year there and do something to help people less fortunate than myself. I feel as though it's sort of changed me as a person. I don't know if any of you are familiar with the feeling I am rambling on about haha!  (I've mentioned all this in my post about Vietnam as well, so check that out here if you like!)
It was amazing and I met so many lovely, inspirational people there who I'll never forget and am already desperate to go back to Vietnam asap! 

Wall of prayers

And not forgetting that I started blogging! I love blogging about makeup, beauty and general things really, it enables me to share my passions with like minded people :) 
I can't believe I have 16 followers, I know it's just a start but it makes me so happy thinking that people read and (hopefully) enjoy my blog posts! So here's a massive thank you to all of my 16 followers for following me, I appreciate every one! <3 

Lastly is School. I have been GCSEs in May and I've applied for some different sixth forms. As much as I dislike exams, there's a (weird) part of me that finds GCSEs kind of exciting. It's the thought that GCSEs are kind of like my ticket out of school and I am so excited for the future and all the challenges it holds. I can't wait to get out of school and although I know it'll be hard at first, I can't wait to have some freedom and start working towards my ambitions/dreams. 

Overall this year has taught me that nothing is impossible and not to be afraid of trying something new. As Zoella says 'just say yes!' 
Here's some things I'm going to do in the new year, if you like you could too!
At the moment the thing I'm looking forward to most in 2013 is summer. I will have finished my exams and will have a no studying, stress free summer! Yes please!

I hope you all have an amazing New Year and I shall be bringing you plenty more blog posts in the year (although I shan't be posting very much at all in January due to exams so bear with me!) 

I hope you've found this post interesting and it has given you some new year inspiration! 2012 has been amazing, lets make 2013 just as great!
Anyway, I'm off for a cup of tea now :) 

I shall metaphorically speak to you all in 2013! 
Much love,
Laura xx


  1. Happy New Year!

    would you like to follow each other?


    1. Happy new year!
      Yeah that sounds great! Thankyou! :)

  2. Awh you're adorable! Everyone's talking about their GCSE's...I'm from the States so I've never heard of it before haha. I guess something comparable to it could be our American SAT tests. That's awesome you got to go to Vietnam! Did you go there just because or do you have Vietnamese descent in you?

    & Happy 2013! :) x

    1. haha thankyou!:) I think it's like the SAT tests... not sure haha! Vietnam was amazing! I'm not from Vietnam, but my family wanted to visit there for like a summer holiday so we decided to go!
      Happy 2013 to you too! :)

  3. You've done a lot of things this year! I remember my GCSEs, they seem so scary but they are not so bad. I am sure you will do fine.

    What was it like doing the exchange program? I don't think I would have had the guts to do that at your age!

    Corinne x

    1. haha, it's been such a long year! they do seem so scary at the moment, but I can't wait to get them over and done with!
      Doing the exchange program was really good, I met loads of new lovely people and it really helped my Spanish :) It was kind of scary at times though, like being in a foreign country without your family and I did miss home a lot! However I'm really pleased I did it though :)


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