Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Autumn/Fall Tag

1. What's your favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks/Cafe Nero/Costa etc? 
So far this year I haven't actually had a seasonal drink! Although I have been loving Starbucks hot chocolates with a shot of caramel.

2. Accessories- what do you opt for: scarf, boots or gloves?
Definitely a scarf - I've been wearing one everyday! But I do love boots rather a lot as well... 

3. Music- what's your favourite music to listen to in the autumn?
At the moment I have been loving Ed Sheeran, I think his song 'Autumn Leaves' is rather fitting for this post!

4. Perfume- what's your favourite scent for this time of year?
I am currently on the look out for a new favourite scent, however as always I have been wearing Abercrombie & Fitch 'Wakely' perfume on a daily basis.

5. Candles- what scents will you be burning this season?
My top 2 candles that I've been LOVING at the moment are both Yankee Candles (surprise surprise) one is called 'Fireside Treats' the other is 'Ginger Dusk.' Next time you're in a Yankee Candle shop I definitely recommend giving them a sniff!

6. What do you love most about autumn?
Going for long walks in the countryside, coming home curling up by the fire and of course a good roast dinner with apple crumble is perfection. 

7. Favourite makeup look?
Black eyeliner cat eye with either Rimmel Kate Moss lipstick 107 or another berry tone lipstick.

8. What are you looking forward to the most in autumn?
My favourite part of autumn is always halloween and bonfire night but seeing as they have both passed now, so probably just buying some more snuggly jumpers and am desperate for some more ankle boots!

I tag anyone who fancies giving this tag a go!


Saturday, 8 November 2014

heart to heart ~ it's okay not to be okay/ Laura's Guide on how to have a darn good 'down day'

I have decided to start a new series on this blog called 'heart to heart'! The aim of this is to discuss more serious/controversial issues. Essentially these posts are the place where I become a Buddha-like figure and try as best I can to answer and give a bit of past experience/wisdom about certain issues... I'm by no means so philosophical guru so bear with me, I'm trying;)

Recently, I have been hearing about from others or experiencing myself the very shitty rut also known as sadness or 'feeling depressed.' I put 'feeling depressed' in speech marks as obviously there is a difference of severity being feeling depressed and actually being depressed. Feelings of sadness can be caused by many thing; relationships/breakups, family issues, friendship issues, worries, school or some days you just wake up and feel really darn sad for no apparent reason, which is also completely normal. 
Today has been one of those 'sad' days. For no apparent reason I have felt doom and gloom, no matter how hard I've tried it has been painfully difficult to try and force a smile. All day I have spent trying and trying to make myself feel cheery and upbeat, longing for a hint of joire d'vivre. However, I still haven't found my joire d'vivir today. That's when, approximately half an hour ago I realised, it's okay to have a sad day or a 'down day' as I like to call them. So here is an exclusive preview to:


1) Shower ... I know we're having a down day but that doesn't mean hygiene goes out the window ok? Never ever never. 

2) Once showered tie hair in crazy messy bun, resembling a pineapple as best you can. 

3) Put on cosy pj bums and an oversized hoodie (preferably one bought from the men's section)
PJ bums - Gilly Hicks

Hoodie - Republic #downdaychic
4) Grab some chocolate and get ready for those endorphines to be released... I've opted for Minstrals. 

5) Get yo'self on Netflix. 

6) Cry, mope and just keep yourself to yourself for a day ... (although we are having a down day we don't want to be spreading on sadness to anyone else so maybe tuck yourself away for a day.) 

 So embrace the day. It's okay to feel gloomy for no apparent reason  once in a while. Through experience I've come to realise the only way to deal with a 'down day' is to embrace that down day, wallow and eat chocolate, watch films and weep if you must. 

Now I am aware that their is a possibility of two thoughts flouting through your cranium; 'I thought this post was meant to be uplifting?' and 'Why is she telling me to be down? This isn't how wikihow told me to deal with my sadness.' 
In answer to any thoughts of a similar nature you might be having right now, yes, I am encouraging you to be sad and wallow for a day BUT and it's a big but... when the clock strikes 5 do something productive and feel good no matter how big or small it may be. Whether your productive deed is doing 20 squats or rustling up some super healthy feast make sure you do. 5 o'clock is the time to put on a flick of mascara, take your hair out of that pineapple bun and throw on some leggings (as opposed to crazy checkered pj bums.) 
The whole purpose of a down day is to make yourself feel better without even realising it. My piece of productiveness seeing as now is the end of my down day is writing this post. I sit here tapping away on my keyboard, admittedly still sporting the pineapple bun, however a lot happier. Because now I know that even when I have a low day I can still achieve something, making something of that day. If it hadn't of been for my overall feeling of glumness today I probably wouldn't be sat here writing this post. I have also made a plan of what I'm going to achieve tomorrow and gathered some exciting ideas for up and coming trips out with friends over Christmas.

Having a down day isn't a lifestyle choice. It's a day. A single day. For me I'd say I have approximately 10 down days out of 365 days in a year. Don't let sadness hold you back. Embrace it then move on. Make plans, exciting plans that you can look forward to, watch uplifting films/shows on Netflix, gradually you'll start to feel brighter and more motivated to ensure tomorrow is a good day.

Now you have been exposed to the wisdom that is Laura's darn good down day guide I hope you're feeling full of wisdom;) Seriously though, it is okay not to be okay sometimes, not everyone is happy and jolly 24/7. Embrace every emotion and feeling, just embrace some more than others. Embrace the feeling of sadness but not for so long it consumes you. 


PS. If today has been your down day it's past 5 o'clock, you now should have completed something productive and fulfilling, looking forward to the new day that is tomorrow :) 

Remember a down day is by no means everyday, it's only a one off kinda deal. 

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Diary ~ halloween, tonsillitis and getting my blog on

For the second time in the past two months, I have tonsillitis for the second time... not happy. If anyone can suggest any remedies for tonsillitis please let me know in the comments! However, looking on the bright side, I now have some quality time in bed which can only mean one thing - TIME TO GET MY BLOG ON! Trying to juggle blogging and studying for my A2 exams is proving difficult as I haven't blogged once since starting my blog up again. So, please bear with me! Any free moment I get I shall be blogging! :)

Last week was half term, a much needed break, which resulted in me doing virtually any school work (well done Laura...) Despite the lack of work there definitely wasn't a lack of halloween partying. Normally I'm not the most original or imaginative person when it comes to Halloween, so I decided to try and put in a little bit more effort costume-wise... for halloween party 1 I went as a 'zombie pink lady.'
Black Lace Top - New Look  - As this top is very sheer I wore a bandeau top underneath. I paired that with plain black leggings and some black boots with a slight heel.
Pink Lady Jacket - Amazon
Unfortunately I don't have any decent pictures of my outfit from that night as they're all a bit blurry!

When halloween party 2 came around I decided to make use of my disgusting old school uniform, zombiefying it up to go as a 'zombie school girl'... I have a real zombie theme going on this year...
Once again I hardly captured any good photos of this outfit...really not doing fab  on the photography front lately..

Now that Halloween has concluded for this year everyone's minds are immanently drawn to the prospect of Christmas and all things festive. To be truthful, I've never been a Christmas-lover as I'm much more a summertime person. This year, however, I have decided to throw myself right into the depths of Christmas cheer and spirit in a will to enjoy it. I'm planning some highly festive posts for all you Christmas fanatics out their. If you have any blog post ideas or requests I'd love to hear them!

Now I shall go and snooze off my tonsillitis with some dissoluble paracetamol and a bit of Netflix.. what a glamorous life I lead!


Sunday, 19 October 2014

back on the blog scene...

It's hard to believe it's been over a year since I wrote my last blog post... time goes so quickly and so much can happen in a year, trust me I should know!

Recently A-Levels have been stressing me out and getting me down. I have, however, been feeling inspired by all things fashion and lifestyle! So as a creative little outlet to my studying I have decided to revive this blog, renaming it as 'Love, Laura.' Over the past year, and since I last blogged, I feel as though I have changed as a person quite a lot due to many different life experiences/challenges that have been hurled my way! Therefore this blog will (hopefully!) be taking a slightly different turn to that of the 16 year old me that used to sit behind my screen aimlessly blogging away!

I will be playing around with my blog design for the next few weeks trying to revamp my blog so bear with me I'm not the best decision maker!

I am so excited to start blogging all things fashion, beauty and lifestyle again and I hope you'll enjoy reading posts just as much as I do writing them :) 
